IMPORTANT!! If you have discovered a bug or data loss issue - PLEASE send a mail to isupport@0xff.me with:
a) your device type and model (iphone 2g/3g/4, ipad, ipod)
b) IOS version
c) as much detailed bug description as possible
PS: I'm working now on update that will bring all the stuff people ask for in their reviews - elements sorting, combination list, hints, etc.
You have only four basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Combine them and their products to get more than 200 new elements. You can create a Life, Beer, Vampires, Skyscrapers and much more..
[380 elements total]
if you discovered a bug or game is not working for you – please leave a comment (here or at http://zed.0xff.me) with bug description and your phone model + iOS version.
Thank you!
カテゴリ ゲーム
更新 2011/07/08
iPhone,iPod touch,iPad
日本語 英語 中国 フランス語 ドイツ語 イタリア語 スペイン語 オランダ ロシア語 ヘブライ カタロニア語 スウェーデン語 フィンランド語 オランダ
販売業者 Andrey Zaikin