カテゴリ 写真/ビデオ
更新 2008/10/06
販売業者 Senstic

** IMPORTANT ** Please turn off Bluetooth on the device (Settings->General->Bluetooth) before using Air Cam. Otherwise, you may experience frame drops/freeze.
** UPDATE** You can now view your Air Cam remotely from any computer by visiting: http://goaircam.com
"Air Cam Live Video for the iPhone and iPod touch is a great application for viewing your live webcam feeds over local, Wi-Fi or 3G and EDGE networks..." --- Macword
Air Cam lets you view live video feed (and optionally, audio) from your computer's internal or external webcam directly on your iOS device.
Need to have a baby monitor or a nanny cam? Set up your iSight webcam in the baby’s bedroom, and remotely check up on your baby with your iOS device without stepping into the room.
Ever wonder what your cats or dogs are doing when you are not there? Use Air Cam to remotely monitor them, while you are in another room. Why limiting to your pets; do it to your roommates too.
When hooked up with an external webcam, you can even turn Air Cam into a home surveillance system. Simply point your webcam to the location you want to monitor, and receive live video feed on your iOS device. You can even set up motion detection that automatically triggers email and video recording.
* Continuous video and audio feed.
* Compatible with most internal and external USB webcams.
* Support multiple webcam connections.
* Support push notification.
* Volume, frame rate and sync control directly from your device.
* Take snapshots of the video feed and save them into iOS's photo library.
* Support streaming over Edge/3G with automatic connection and/or port forwarding.
* Support remote video recording.
* Support motion detection, motion triggered recording, and motion triggered email notification.
* Support both Mac and Windows.
* Free future update for life.
** IMPORTANT: To ensure your webcam is compatible, please download and install our Mac or Windows software first. Make sure the software works correctly on your system BEFORE purchasing Air Cam on iTunes.
Software download site is: http://www.senstic.com/iphone/aircam/aircam.aspx
Please read carefully of the following requirement before purchasing Air Cam:
1.A desktop or laptop running Mac OS X 10.7 or above (previous OS X versions are not supported, Intel Mac only, PowerPC not supported) or Windows XP/Vista/7/8 with compatible internal or external webcam.
2.A shared Wi-Fi network between your Mac computer and your iOS device. Air Cam also works with Edge or 3G networks with port forwarding of TCP port 1726. Air Cam supprts UPNP for automatic port forwarding.
3.Download and run the free Mac or Windows software from http://www.senstic.com/iphone/aircam/aircam.aspx to stream your video feed.
*** If you have problem getting Air Cam to work, please contact us at support@senstic.com, and we will help you fix the problem.